“I Want to show the First-Responders that I respect them.”

“Young Marines” Cadet Carrying an American Flag Walks Hundreds of Miles to Give First-Responders a Heartfelt Thanks– and a Gift
Jordan Ramirez is not your average kid. He’s already set some world records for youngest person to run a marathon on all 7 continents before he even turned 11. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised to see that for the last couple of years, he’s been walking hundreds of miles just to tell cops and firefighters that he thinks they’re alright.
And they’re thankful for his support, too.
His decision to start walking to show support for first-responders comes at a time in America’s history where it’s become fashionable to criticize all police, sheriffs, and anyone wearing a uniform whose job it is to protect and serve. At a time when police have found themselves in the crosshairs of a growing number of highly vocal, public critics, Jordan has this message for law enforcement instead: “You’re not alone out there.”

Jordan’s walks range from 7 - 21 miles and his combat boot-clad feet have carried him and “Old Glory” to police, fire and sheriff’s departments in Los Angeles, Las Vegas and New York. When he arrives at the precinct or station, he often gives a plaque and a custom challenge coin that he helped design to his heroes.

Jordan belongs to “The Young Marines,” a youth organization for ages 8 to 18 that promotes the mental, moral and physical development of its members. The organization emphasizes character building and leadership and helps young people to appreciate the importance of patriotism, courage, self-discipline, and a healthy lifestyle.
The Young Marines program is divided into four main elements: academics, fitness, citizenship, and leadership.

In addition to these elements, the Young Marines also promote a drug-free lifestyle and have a strong focus on community service. Today, there are over 19,000 members in 700 units across the United States and Japan.
Regarding his future plans, he has told journalists in interviews regarding his “Thank you for your service walk” that he would like to become a firefighter. “I want to save people,” Jordan said.

“Thank You for Your Service” Coins and Lapels - a Great Gift Idea for Family and Friends That Mean Something
Thank you for your service challenge coins and lapel pins are the perfect way to show your appreciation for a police officer, veteran, or active-duty military member as well. Whether you are looking for a meaningful gift for a friend or family member, or you want to show your support for someone out there whom you believe is going the extra mile and deserves a little recognition, these coins are a great way to do it.
There are nearly unlimited style design options when making your own “thank you for your service” coins and pins, so you can be sure you’ll find the perfect one to suit your needs at LapelPinsPlus. All the customization possibilities come in super handy when doing Christmas shopping if you’re someone like Jordan, whose family serves in all 4 branches of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Jordan’s “Thank You for Your Service Walk” is an idea and concept that makes for more than an impressive feat, it makes for a truly remarkable coin too. As you can see by his own custom art, its many design elements incorporate scenes from the places he’s already visited across the USA, as well as a roadmap for where he intends to go.

His coin shows him carrying the American flag in uniform, his back facing the viewer’s perspective, and features Mount Rushmore, the Statue of Liberty, Seattle’s Space Needle, the Washington Monument, downtown Los Angeles, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Three categories of first-responders are offset and symmetrically aligned with one another near an oblique edge on a high-polished silver coin edge.
It all makes for one classy, custom challenge coin that a firefighter, sheriff or military service member can appreciate. It also gives us some ideas of our own, both for acts of service and for some great graphic designs on coins and pins. Some folks out there might be more familiar with seeing glossy enamel lapel pins that you people often wear to special events like air shows, Memorial and Veterans Day parades or other special get-togethers in your town.

Jordan’s “Thank You for Your Service Walk” Coin Offers a Big Promise, and a Purpose
If you need motivation or inspiration, or just wonder what your life might be like if you got out there and started walking for a cause, then this story is for you. Sometimes the good intentions of a 13-year old on a mission can remind us all what we’re capable of when we concentrate on what we’re grateful for, rather than what we don’t like about the world around us.