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An Office Party Christmas Gift No One Will Have to Pretend to Like this Year

October 25, 2022
Oct 25, 2022
5 minute read

The holiday season and Christmas are hands-down one of the best times of year to celebrate. They are a time of gratitude and giving, winter festivities and social gatherings around backyard fire pits and kitchen islands everywhere for friends and family.

It’s also a time for upscale dinners and private parties for professionals, their colleagues and co-workers, as well as year-end office parties and other get-togethers to show everyone they’re appreciated.

For folks looking to buy a special gift for their office party or department and need a smart gift idea in 2022, this blog post is for you.

It’s Christmas Time, and This Year, We’re Actually Ready.

Is that snow outside? Of course not, it’s Florida. But it’s time to turn on the Christmas jazz anyway, put on your favorite sweater, and consider, if only for a fleeting moment, adding “a little something extra” to that eggnog to “make it more festive.”

But, we’re never going to get to the good stuff if we don’t get in the Christmas spirit, and nothing gets us in the spirit like Christmas decorations (and eggnog). That means it’s time to pull out all the lights and ornaments from the attic and decorate that big, beautiful tree you spent an entire weekday evening poring over a hardware store parking lot for.

It’s time to deck us some halls.

Getting in the Christmas Spirit - the + Way

For now, it’s time to crawl up the retractable ladder to the attic and rummage through everything, looking through random boxes and getting the occasional whiff of fiberglass insulation to remind you why you don’t spend more time up here. But it’s worth it. You’ve got one serious Noble Fir tree in your den that demands your attention, beckoning you with its enchanting forest aromas and natural, emerald hues.

To be safe, you start warming up your singing voice for some impromptu “Jingle Bells”, should the need arise. And the need always arises. Man, that’s some good eggnog.

And that’s when you see it, the box of Christmas decorations over in the corner. You open it up, head still ducked uncomfortably under a rafter to confirm the contents before accidentally hauling the wrong box downstairs again, only to have to return shortly thereafter. This isn’t your first rodeo, after all. It’s also what you remind your spouse– using those exact words, finishing a glass of eggnog and wiping your mouth on your shirt sleeve.

Downstairs, you notice some of the decorations in the box are standard and run-of-the mill, sure, but they get the job done. You remove an old wreath and a tangled bunch of Christmas tree lights from the box and there it is, that Christmas ornament from your childhood. Man, that thing is ancient, but precious– there’s no doubt about it.

A flood of memories later, you stand there peacefully in your own little world in front of the tree, even as one of your kids is running around the room like a wild animal already using the Christmas tree angel as a toy, or weapon, as one of the other kids is securely attached to your leg, still not old enough for words but tugging adamantly anyway, as you gaze admiringly at those special ornaments from your own childhood. And not without a little bit of reverence and nostalgia.

And that’s when it hits you. “Am I starting to get into the Christmas spirit?”

You remember that special ornament every Christmas when you decorate the tree, too.

You know the one. The little hand-painted wooden drummer boy? What about that really classic one? You’re not sure if it was intended to be an ornament or a sock puppet. Maybe both. Who cares? It’s cute and it’s red, and it’s wearing a stocking cap with a wide smile and glittery buttons for eyes. No way that can’t be good.

What about that custom cross-stitched ornament mom sewed that one year? Thank God that was just a phase. But it’s here, and it’s one-of-a-kind authentic too. And that hits us right in the feels.

Much like a Christmas card sent through traditional mail elicits a special feeling when you read it and put it up for display in your home, a custom Christmas ornament is something that people will see every year they decorate their tree.

And they’ll think of you.

A Custom Christmas Ornament is a Decorative Gift People Can Actually Use and Remember

While you don’t necessarily want to give someone a Christmas ornament as a wrapped gift on Christmas Day, they do make the perfect gift for your office Christmas party since it usually occurs long before official Christmas Day.

It’s perfect for folks out there looking for a nice, custom gift for their school, church, team, club or civic group. Many small and medium-sized businesses can create their own custom design and let their employees know they care with a custom holiday decoration or ornament as a gift, and it even kicks off their holiday vacation with a little encouragement and style.

It also lets them know they belong and they’re valued. The exclusive nature of the gift goes a long way in team-building and togetherness and it makes you feel like you have your own cool unit patch or insignia, much like they do in the armed forces.

Finally, if you’re the boss, it also serves as a reminder of that Christmas bonus you so generously bestowed upon your staff. And even if you didn’t give your staff a bonus this year, now they have a custom Christmas ornament.

And at least you will have saved them the awkwardness of feeling the need to feign surprise and excitement over that office party Christmas gift which bombed that one year.

Whose idea was that anyway?