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Challenge Coins

Wedding Vow Challenge Coins Make the Perfect Wedding Reception Gift

December 12, 2011
Dec 12, 2011
2 minute read

Weddings are joyous occasions. With so much to plan, we can take one item off your To Do list. We can handle your party favors for you. As you probably know, these small gift items come in many shapes and sizes. From chocolates to fancy soap, we’re sure you have seen a lot of different types of favors throughout the years.

We recently had the privilege of designing a challenge coin that will be used as the gift handed out to wedding guests. The special thing about this coin is that the couple decided to have us stamp their wedding vows onto the backside. Now whenever anyone looks at this coin, they will remember this special day.

The symbol of two rings interconnected is also a perfect touch for any wedding coin but any design or photograph can be used on the challenge coins. That’s what makes customization so attractive. No other Bride and Groom will have the exact same coins that you have.

Clean, classic silver and black was the color scheme the couple wanted to go with because it complimented their wedding colors. Tying a theme into the artwork on a custom challenge coin is easy. Just let us know what your idea or concept is and our talented team of graphic artists will get to work making your design one that you can truly be proud of.

Your wedding day will be one of the most special days of your life. Why not share the joy of your new life together by creating custom challenge coins to hand out as party favors? They can be placed on the table in front of namecards or given out as guest depart the reception. Visit to see examples of coins we’ve done in the past.

When you’re ready to submit your ideas to us, you can do so in one of three ways. You can request a free quote by going to, emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll be happy to be a part of your matrimonial ceremony by helping you create a beautiful, wedding challenge coin like the one pictured here.