Challenge coins are unique in their own respect. Created from your ideas, they’re customized to reflect your business, school, military unit or organization’s interests, purpose, and personality. Complete with your choice of ornamentation, these attractive mementos can be used to honor, reward, inform, educate, and promote.
Spinner challenge coins are among some of the most sought after specialty coins that we offer. Unlike traditional coins, spinner coins have a stationary base with a spinning piece fashioned inside of it. Text is printed on the outer edges of the coin while the piece inside is cut-to-shape to resemble a traditional geometric shape or the image being depicted on the coin.
Spinner coins stand out. They get people interested in the ideas, products, services, people, and events that you’re trying to promote. If you want to give people a gift that they truly appreciate, a challenge coin is a great idea. Long lasting and durable, they’re the type of keepsake people hang onto for long periods of time.
We can help you come up with a spinner coin that fits your needs. Just let us know what you have in mind and the intended purpose of the coins and we’ll get to work on artwork for you. Approve your design, pay for your order, and your custom coins are delivered to your doorstep in time for your special event. That’s how we provide our customers with excellent service.
Order your spinner challenge coins today. Visit to learn more about the design process. Email your request to You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free to discuss your ideas with a representative. Request your free price quote and full color digital proof today.