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Challenge Coins

ROTC Coins Are Visual Reminders For Its Recipients

August 30, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
2 minute read

ROTC programs are present on high school and college campuses across the nation.  The three branches of the military that offer this unique training program are the Army, Navy, and the Air Force. Participants in the program learn leadership skills, research areas of interest in terms of their career choices, receive scholarships that help them fund their educations, and give themselves an advantage by cultivating skills and experience prior to education.  Graduates of ROTC programs enjoy immense rewards.  In fact, once you make it through the program, you enter the military as an officer. Challenge Coins Help Seal Bonds

Coins are made from high school to college programs that want to create a piece of memorabilia.  When you go through intense training like this, you form deep and long lasting bonds.  Custom challenge coins help capture the essence of these groups.  Creativity is always welcome when the design process starts.  If you can think of it, we can make it.

Each Program and Class Can Have Their Own Custom Designed Challenge Coin

Depending on which branch of ROTC program you are in, you will want to make sure you include the branch seal and the unit number you are a part of.  Like the example you see here, this ROTC program was from M.I.T. so a reference to Paul Revere was included on their coins.

Each program and class can keep one side of the coin universal to represent their school or branch of the military.  The other side can be used to reflect the unique personality of the ROTC program and school that has made it part of its curriculum.  This allows for endless possibilities in terms of design.  Each coin that we create for colleges and universities with ROTC programs are every bit as unique as the people that they are given to.

Before your next ROTC program starts, consider ordering custom challenge coins.  We can help you determine the size, shape, style, and colors that your coins should be.  We can even give your direction as to what images and text to use.  Visit for inspiration.  You can also call 1-800-252-0904 or email today for a free price quote and full color digital proof.