National Poverty in America Awareness Month takes place each January. The annual initiative aims to educate the public about the impact poverty has on the United States and its people. According to, “In 2013, 49.1 million Americans lived in food insecure households, including 33.3 million adults and 15.8 million children.” Food insecurity occurs when there isn’t enough food in a household to feed its members.
Poverty does not discriminate. America has its fair share of impoverished children and adults. By raising awareness about the phenomenon, you help food banks replenish their dwindling supplies. You provide meals, shelter, and community services to people in need.
Make Custom Challenge Coins a Part of Your Next Fundraiser
One of the easiest ways to get the word out about your efforts is through a charitable fundraiser. Sell custom challenge coins and give the proceeds to a group or organization in your community that helps the poor. Everything you do helps in a truly monumental way.
Part Memento, Part Educational Tool
Create a gift that serves as an educational tool. Add information to your coins that make people aware of poverty in America. Open eyes to a national and global problem. Offer ways that people can help.
A Design Worth Sharing with Others
Make a bold statement about eradicating poverty with your coin design. Our team of designers help you decide what elements enhance your artwork. We offer a range of options including sequential numbering, dual plating, 3D images, and antique metal. Look at our online gallery for ideas and contact us with your questions.
We Want to Be a Part of Your Fundraising Plans
Raise awareness during National Poverty in America Awareness Month. Fight poverty and educate the public while raising funds for the needy. Custom challenge coins make great items to sell at your fundraiser. They’re attractive, personal, and durable. Very few gifts withstand the test of time the way challenge coins do.
Submit your request for a no obligation, free price quote and digital file attachment of artwork to If you have questions that need answering right away, call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll be happy to discuss options with you. Our goal is to provide you with a solution that meets your fundraising needs.
We offer complimentary services to meet your needs. It’s our way of thanking you for your business and for trusting us with your custom challenge coin order. Contact us with your inquiry today.