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Challenge Coins

Promote Your Garden Store with Custom Challenge Coins

February 7, 2013
Feb 7, 2013
2 minute read

Gardening is extra popular in April.  The sunny weather is perfect for growing trees, flowers, shrubs, fruits, and vegetables.  It’s also National Garden Month which is the right time to run a promotion.  If you’re the manager or owner of a gardening store, why not use it to your advantage?  Create custom challenge coins to promote your business and to get people in your door spending money on garden supplies.

Custom coins get your message across.  That’s what makes them the perfect item for your marketing plan.  Coins can be small or large, classic or ornate.  You can even have them cut-to-shape to resemble an object or your logo.  It’s your preference.  We create the type of custom challenge coins that meet your needs.  We also make them exceed your expectations.

Here are a few of the ways you can make your coins stand out:

  • Decorative Edges
  • 3D Images
  • Cut Outs
  • Sequential Numbering
  • Dual Plating

Promote your garden store with custom challenge coins.  Visit to see the different options available for your order of custom challenge coins.  Email your request to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll send you a free price quote and email file containing the custom artwork that we’ve created for you.  This will give you the opportunity to submit your revisions before the coins are sent to the production department for manufacturing.

Approve the design, pay for your order in full, and we’ll get your order of custom garden store challenge coins ready in time for National Garden Month.  We provide you with free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to US addresses.  This is how we thank you for choosing us to create your custom challenge coins.