Members of the military are some of our most loyal customers. They create and purchase challenge coins from us on a daily basis. Each transaction is unique and symbolic. We enjoy being able to hear their ideas and turn them into something real and tangible for them to enjoy.
Because we have such a close relationship with members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and the Marines, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the true heroes of our country—the past and present members of the military. On this historic Veterans Day, we feel like it’s very important to pay tribute to the men and women who protect and serve our country each and every day.
Since World War I, challenge coins have been used to honor, encourage, promote, and reward military units. They are every bit as unique as the people they have come to represent. Whether it’s a bottle opener challenge coin or a specialty coin shaped like an eagle one thing is certain. We enjoy working with our military customers to come up with challenge coins rich in personal meaning and significance.
On behalf of Challenge Coins Plus we salute you. Without your commitment, dedication, and service, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy many of the freedoms that we have in this country. If you need challenge coins now or in the future, please consider us as your source. Visit, email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free to inquire about our services.