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Challenge Coins

Observe Global Employee Health and Fitness Month with Custom Challenge Coins

May 14, 2012
May 14, 2012
2 minute read

If physical fitness is an important initiative in your workplace, you probably already know about Global Employee Health and Fitness Month. In addition to promoting exercise and health screenings, your business may even arrange for a nutritionist to come in and speak to your employees. Workshops regarding portion size, the importance of eating a well-balanced diet and ways to minimize stress and increase happiness may be of interest of you this May.

You’ll also probably want to create some visual aids to hand out to your employees. An attractive challenge coin can be used as an educational tool as well as a thank you gift for your workers that signed up to be willing participants. Custom challenge coins are great for this reason. They’re the type of award item that people cherish and want to display in their homes and offices.

You can set up challenges and at the end of them reward custom challenge coins to participants meeting set goals. This gives each employee something to strive for. As they learn new ways to take better care of their health and increase their physical fitness, they change their lives. Custom challenge coins can be designed to encourage this type of positive behavior.

We offer a number of different presentation options for your challenge coins. Here are just a few that you can order from us:

  • PVC Coin Envelopes (FREE with every order!)
  • Coin Capsules
  • Velvet Bags
  • Acrylic Coin Cases
  • Velvet Coin Cases
  • Plastic Stands

Change the climate in your workplace by adopting a physical fitness and health program. Award custom challenge coins to your employees for their achievements. We can help guide you through the design and ordering process. Email your ideas to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. Our team of talented artists can help you come up with a design that reflects your needs and values.