The U.S. Navy was founded on 13 October 1775, and the Department of the Navy was established on 30 April 1798. The Department of the Navy has three principal components: The Navy Department, consisting of executive offices mostly in Washington, D.C.; the operating forces, including the Marine Corps, the reserve components, and, in time of war, the U.S. Coast Guard.
The mission of the Navy is “To maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom on the seas. The 21st century United States Navy maintains a sizable global presence, deploying in such areas as East Asia, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. It engages in forward areas during peacetime, and rapidly responds to regional crises, making it an active player in U.S. foreign and defense policy.”
3D Images Increase the Appearance and Value of Custom Coins
Navy coins are some of the most beautiful coins that we produce. Often, we include 3D images on Navy challenge coins. Images of anchors, ships, and department seals make for great focal points and details. Recipients of the coins can run their fingers along the raised images and know what type of detail has gone into creating them.
Custom Challenge Coins Are Never the Same Because They Are Unique
With so many units within the Navy, no two coins are the same. Although most include common elements, the arrangement of these elements and the use of accompanying text is what sets each coin apart from one another. That’s what makes custom coins so popular. People know that they are getting a truly unique and memorable gift.
Coins Serve As a Visual Reminder of the Time Spent Serving Our Country
While sailors are off on duty, they become part of smaller regiments, squadrons, and specialty teams alike. It is in these tight knit groups that that the bonds of war are formed. Navy coins capture this snapshot in the life of the sailor and will serve as a constant and everlasting visual reminder of the time spent serving our great country.
The coin you see here has a 3D mold of the dolphins that serve as the attendants to the Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea and patron deity of sailors. They are symbolic of a calm sea. The insignia of the U.S. Navy’s Submarine Service is a Submarine flanked by two dolphins. This helps the coin retain an important part of military history.
The great part of the 3D mold for this coin was the scaling that we did on the dolphins tails. You could see every last detail in each of the dolphins which made the coin truly come to life. 3D molding is one of the many options we offer to our customers as ways to enhance the appearance and value of challenge coins.
Visit to learn more about the different features we can incorporate into your challenge coin design. You can also contact us by email at or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.