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Challenge Coins

Matching Challenge Coins and Lapel Pins

February 11, 2013
Feb 11, 2013
2 minute read

Corporations use lapel pins and challenge coins to help make their brand visible.  A great example of how the two items work great together is their use at trade shows.  The lapel pins are worn by employees and representatives of the company so that an approaching person knows exactly who there are with. The coins can then be given to perspective clients and customers as a reminder of the conversation they had and the product or service being offered by the company from which they received the coins from.  Both gift items are rich in meaning and sentimental value for the people that they’re given to.

Matching lapel pins and challenge coins are attractive options for companies because it gives them twice the options to promote their business.  Custom pins and coins can be handed out separately or as a pair.  This adds to the collectible nature of these objects.  People will want to have both the lapel pin and challenge coin to add to their collection.

Custom pins and coins are unique and memorable.  They’re the type of items you can hand out with pride.  Personal and meaningful, they represent your corporation, its standards, and values.  That’s what makes the mementos worth creating and purchasing.  They truly are the type of gifts that people hang onto for years.

Get your matching lapel pins and challenge coins today.  Give Challenge Coins Plus a call at 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  You can submit your ideas to us via email.  Our address is  You can also read about the different types of pins and coins that we offer by visiting  You’ll find a gallery of past designs to spark your creativity.