Custom coins can be handed out to new patients as a way of thanking them for their business. Coins can be given to staff members as an incentive for getting new patients through the door. Coins can be sold and the proceeds can be donated to needy families in the community. There are so many uses for custom challenge coins. You’re likely to come up with a few of your very own.
Celebrate National Smile Week with coins that feature your company logo. Bringing a smile to someone’s face is great to have them remember you. Custom challenge coins are a long lasting token that have a high perceived value. Hand out a gift item that has long lasting appeal. You’ll be pleased with the results that you receive.
Create National Smile Week custom challenge coins with Challenge Coins Plus’ help. We will assist you with your request by creating coins in your choice of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors. Visit and take a look at our online gallery. You’ll get a lot of inspiration that way.
Email your ideas to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your request. We provide free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to your US address. Contact us for a no obligation, free price quote so we can get the design process started.