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Challenge Coins

Honor Kid Inventors with Custom Challenge Coins

December 16, 2013
Dec 16, 2013
2 minute read

Kid Inventors’ Day is January 17th.  Competitions are gearing up all around the country as a way of finding America’s most talented youth.  If you’re the sponsor of such an event, you’ll want to acknowledge every contestant’s effort with a personal and meaningful gift.  Because you can’t award a medal or a trophy to everyone, why not choose the next big thing?  We can help you come up with a custom challenge coin design unique to your business or organization and competition.

Inventing requires skill, determination, and knowledge.  Young inventors are innovative, bold, and persistent.  They know that some of their ideas will be unsuccessful.  They do not, however, let this phase them.  A young inventor wants to succeed.

Reward their efforts with the gift of a custom challenge coin.  We can incorporate your company or organization’s logo or emblem into the artwork that we create for you.  You can also add things like a decorative edge, sequential numbering or dual plating to your design.  Add-on elements are interesting and exciting.  They get people to talk about young inventors, their inventions, and your competition.

Honor kid inventors with custom challenge coins.  Contact Challenge Coins Plus with your request.  We can assist you by providing you with free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to your US address.  Submit your inquiry to us to get the ordering process started.

Email your ideas to  You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’re here to assist you.  Request your no obligation, free price quote and digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you right away.