January 5-11 is Home Office Safety and Security Week. How do you plan on observing the occasion? Are you going to encourage your customers to take heed of safety precautions. This can be a great way to promote one of your home security systems or software programs.Custom challenge coins can be small or large. They can be ornate or classic in appearance. We can add a decorative edge, sequential numbering, and 3D emblems to your coin design. We can also create coins with bottle opener mechanisms and ones that look like dog tags or medals.Coins can also have antiqued metal, sequential numbering or dual plating on them. This gives you plenty of options for your Home Office Safety and Security Week custom challenge coins. Your coins are your creation. You can be as creative as you want to be with them. That’s the beauty behind custom designed products.Create custom challenge coins for Home Office Safety and Security Week. Encourage others to take precautions that will save their lives. Visit http://www.challengecoinsplus.com to request a no obligation, free price quote. We’ll send it and a digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.Email your ideas to info@challengecoinsplus.com. You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’re here to help. Make use of our free design services. We’ll create custom artwork for your order of custom challenge coins free of charge. This is our way of thanking you for being a valued customer of ours.