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Challenge Coins

High School Athletic Challenge Coins Serve Many Purposes

October 21, 2011
Oct 21, 2011
2 minute read

High school sports teams across the country are using challenge coins for a number of different reasons.  The coin pictured here was given to each member of the basketball team by their head coach.  If the boys excelled at certain tasks, they were rewarded with a special prize.

Tangible rewards like challenge coins help coaches and schools turn out the best players imaginable.  The reason behind this is quite simple.  When a young athlete feels valued, he or she will go the extra mile to make sure his or her performance is spot on.  This helps the athletes shine on and off the playing field or court.

Challenge Coins Motivate Young Players to Be the Best

Custom challenge coins like this help motivate and inspire young athletes.  These items are also a great way to generate money to help support the athletic program.  The basketball on the backside of the coin could be easily switched out with a baseball, football or volleyball depending on what sport is being played.  That’s the beauty behind custom coins.

Your Personal Details Add Value to Your Custom Coins

Including the school name, mascot, and colors are a great starting point for your next coin design.  This allows you to really make your challenge coins personal and meaningful for your players.  Having a unique memento on hand to look back at over the years is ideal for high schoolers because they’ll want to remember the time that they had being part of a sports team!

Presentation Options Make Awards Ceremonies Classy

Challenge coins like these are also great to display once your season is over. Choose from several display options we offer on our website.  There are:

  • PVC Coin Envelopes (FREE with every order)
  • Coin Capsules
  • Velvet Bag
  • Acrylic Coin Case
  • Velvet Coin Case
  • Plastic Stands

Order your athletic challenge coins and give your players the support and motivation that they need.  Visit our website.  You’ll find it at  You can also send us your inquiry by emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904.