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Challenge Coins

Fraternity Challenge Coins Honor the Rich History of These Social Organizations

September 5, 2011
Sep 5, 2011
2 minute read

Fraternities are prevalent in most colleges and universities across the country.  Typically represented by Greek letters, these groups are made up of people with commonalities.  Characteristics that bring the men together are often based on religion, race, or academic affiliation.  Fraternity members form bonds and friendships with one another that lasts over the course of a lifetime.

With so many fraternities out there, Challenge Coins Plus is very busy.  We are asked to create coins for these groups on a regular basis.   Many times, we help design coins for anniversaries and other special philanthropic events that are happening.  Serving others is a big part of fraternity life.

Crest and Seals on Challenge Coins Are Highly Detailed and Symbolic

One common characteristic that most fraternities include on their coins is their official crest or seal.  Highly detailed and symbolic, these crests help to personalize each coin.  The challenge coin you see here was made for a convention where brothers from across the country will be attending.  The two brothers that will be presiding over the convention have their name on the backside of the coin.

School Mascots, Founding Dates and Greek Letters Add to the Appeal of Coins

Other common images added to fraternities’ coins are school mascots, school colors, founding dates, and Greek letters.  Details like these help draw interest in the challenge coins and also make them memorable keepsakes for each one of the brothers that they are given to.

Fraternity coins are every bit as unique as the groups they represent.  That’s the beauty of custom products.  They can be created in a way that reflects the values, personal history, and interests of our customers.  Visit to request a free price quote.  After hearing your ideas, we’ll also be able to provide you with a full colored digital proof free of charge.  Call 1-800-252-0904 or email  A sales representative will be waiting for your inquiry.