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Challenge Coins

Fishing Club Challenge Coins

June 21, 2012
Jun 21, 2012
2 minute read

Outdoor activities and sports are a favorite pastime, hobby, and sport of people throughout the country. Every one of our states offers fantastic outdoor recreation. Of all outdoor recreation, fishing is perhaps the most popular since it can be done in every state and on practically every body of water. We have been contacted recently by several fishing clubs that are using challenge coins as a reward program for it members.  Using their unique ideas, we are able to create an award item that meets their needs and surpasses their expectations.

The Shawnee Muskie Hunters are a group of fisherman dedicated to pursing their favorite species the Muskie. They had us help them design a coin that portrays their favorite fish and also includes the club logo for identification purposes.  The Shawnee Muskie Hunters use the coins during fishing tournaments and award them to the anglers that catch, the biggest fish, the most fish, and the heaviest stringer.

From the photo displayed here, you can see all of the detail that went into designing the Shawnee Muskie Hunters’ custom challenge coins.  Decorative edges, bold text, and attractive images make the coins stand out.  In addition to being visually memorable, the custom challenge coins also include pertinent information about the club.  Details include:

  • The name of the club.
  • When it was founded.
  • The chapter number.
  • The club’s location.
  • The man who founded the club, Gil Hamm.
  • The club’s slogan which is “Muskies are either shallow, deep, or somewhere in between.”

Reward the members of your club or organization by ordering custom challenge coins today.  Reach a Challenge Coins Plus representative by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free or emailing  You can also visit to see the different options available for making your custom fishing club challenge coins distinct and memorable.