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Challenge Coins

Emergency Management Challenge Coins

January 19, 2012
Jan 19, 2012
2 minute read

We produce challenge coins for all aspects of government. Just about every agency has a challenge coin developed that is specific to them and them alone. In recent times there has been a substantial increase in the attention paid by both Federal and local governments to being prepared for emergency situations. The emergencies can be of both natural and man-made origin. This increase in attention has lead to the development of CERT.

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.  CERT is not agency specific; many local, county, state and federal agencies have become part of CERT.  Therefore many of these agencies are having challenge coins designed that show they are now part of CERT and prepared to assist in any situation.

An example comes from Burlington County, New Jersey’s Office of Emergency Management. We helped them design a coin that features the CERT logo on one side and the county specific logos on the other. This challenge coin is awarded to all the members of the county that have trained for and passed the needed requirements to be recognized as member of the county OEM CERT team.

Custom challenge coins are great for identification purposes.  They are also incredible awards.  People feel privileged when they receive such an honor.  Not only are they willing to display their coins, they are also known to carry them.

Do your part to honor the men and women that serve your community.  Visit today.  If you need more information or have a question you want answered, you can call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free or email