Challenge coins are gaining popularity each and every day. From military units to big corporations to sporting events and now, academic institutes, custom challenge coins serve as recognition awards and moral boosters. We help customers from all walks of life design coins that are attractive, memorable, and long lasting.
Tomahawk Creek Middle School started a new awards program for the schools top performers. We helped them design challenge coins that all students will be proud to receive. Using their ideas, we were able to create a coin that was rich in sentimental value. Students will cherish their awards long after they’ve graduated.
Custom challenge coins can be created to hand out for a number of different achievements. Here are few ideas for your school:
- Perfect Attendance
- Honor Roll
- Quiz Bowls and Academic Bowls
- Athletic Events
- Fundraisers
- Student of the Month/Student of the Year
- Teacher of the Month/Teacher of the Year
- Volunteerism
- Graduation
As you can see, there are plenty of uses for custom challenge coins in an academic setting. You can hand them out for perfect attendance and even sell them to raise funds for field trips, new equipment, and uniforms. You can even create coins specifically for teachers. Challenge coins are as diverse and interesting as the businesses, groups, and organizations that order them.
Visit to see the different sizes, shapes, and types of challenge coins we create. Whenever you’re ready to request a free price quote and full color digital proof, you can email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.