The Drug Abuse Resistance Education, better known as DARE, is an international education program that was created to prevent the use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior. Since it was founded in 1983, it has expanded to schools worldwide. Students who enter the program pledge not to use drugs or join gangs. They are taught by local law enforcement about the dangers of drug use in an interactive, in-school curriculum. The D.A.R.E. program lasts ten weeks but it’s positive effects last a lifetime.
What D.A.R.E. Volunteers Do in Classrooms Around the World
Police officers are invited by the local school districts to speak and work with students. Police officers are permitted to work in the classroom by the school district and do not need to be licensed teachers. There are programs for different age levels. Working with the classroom teachers, the officers lead students over a number of sessions using workbooks, videos, and interactive discussions.
The state of Minnesota’s D.A.R.E. Officer’s Association wanted to have a coin made to honor the volunteers of the program. They contacted us with an inquiry and our talented designers came up with a design for them right away. Their major request with the design was to incorporate the signature “black and red” color scheme that D.A.R.E. is synonymous with.
A Powerful Image Gets People’s Attention and Gets Them Involved
One of the most noticeable details about the challenge coin is the image of the police officer kneeling down to work with a student that we included in the design. It is a graphical representation of what this program is all about. Volunteers that receive the custom challenge coin will also be able to associate it with their experience helping young people make good choices in their life.
Adding a Date to Your Coin’s Design Give Its Authenticity and Personal Meaning
Adding an established date on a coin helps give it personal and historical meaning. As years pass and volunteers move onto different chapters of their lives, they can look at the memento and know what type of positive impact they had on the program. Dates on coins also make them seem more official. There will be no guessing when the D.A.R.E. program took place or who was involved with it.
Honoring Police Officers Efforts in Schools Globally
Police officers that have the honor of helping our nation’s youth stay clear of dangerous behaviors deserve to have a token that they can carry around with them and be proud of. The challenge coin you see here accomplishes this goal. Don’t you want a coin of your own to give out to your volunteers? We can help you with that today.
See what we have to offer programs and organizations like yours. Visit, email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll listen to your ideas and help you come up with a custom design that is a direct representation of your goals and values.