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Challenge Coins

Custom Challenge Coins Remind Drivers to Heed Caution

December 19, 2012
Dec 19, 2012
2 minute read

Employers like custom challenge coins because the items are great for delivering a message.  When it comes to safety, companies need to go the extra mile.  That’s why they employee driver safety awareness programs.  By educating drivers, they eliminate many of the accidents that would take place on the road.

Custom challenge coins are perfect reminders to drive safely.  They can be created with your company name and logo on them.  They can have text that gets your drivers thinking.  These items can be handed out after safety trainings as a way of thanking your employees for their participation.

Custom coins can be placed in velvet bags or acrylic coin capsules and presented to drivers.  This gives the men and women a safe place to store and display their coins.  Coins have long been an item that people value.  Sharing the mementos with others is something your drivers will most certainly want to do.  They’ll want people to know the type of training they went through to keep the roads safe from harm and accidents.

Get your safety coins created today.  Visit to request a no obligation, free price quote and email attachment containing the custom artwork we created for you.  Email your request to  You can also speak to a representative by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to work with you to create a coin that reminds your drivers to heed caution.