Prom is much more than a school dance. It’s a place where memories are made. For that reason alone, it’s very important to preserve that moment in your student’s personal history. Custom challenge coins are the type of memento that do just that. Created from quality materials and crafted with extreme care, custom challenge coins are the type of item that people take notice of.
Custom coins can be created in whatever size, shape, and type of metal you find most appealing. It can be designed to fit a theme or to match your school colors and mascot. Your prom coins can be single sided or double sided. They can have the date imprinted on them as a way of making the custom gifts even more personal.
We make designing and ordering custom challenge coins easy. Simply submit your request to us and we’ll relay the details of your order to our talented design team. They work with you to make sure that your custom coins are everything that you want them to be and more. After all, how many proms does a person get to go to outside of school? Your keepsake items need to be extra special.
Create custom challenge coins for your prom. It will be a night to remember for all those involved. We can help you come up with a design that meets your needs and exceeds your high expectations. Contact us right away to get the design process started.
Email your ideas to You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’re here to assist you with your request and will provide you with the knowledge and support that you need to create quality custom challenge coins for all of your students attending prom, their dates, and chaperones.