CSX Transportation is a company that operates a Class I railroad in the United States known as the CSX Railroad. It is the main subsidiary of the CSX Corporation. The company is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and owns approximately 21,000 route miles.
When the division of maintenance contacted us to create a coin for their rail trucks, we were a bit confused at first. When you hear CSX, you first think of trains. Because these rail trucks are not often seen, we had to do some quick research to learn more about them and what they’re being used for.
Recognizing the Hard Work of Committed Individuals
With 21,000 miles of railroads, you can imagine the amount of maintenance that is needed. These trucks go out and fix any issues that come up along the routes. They are an important part of the railroad team and deserve recognition for the type of work that they do. Without them, many trains would be out of commission once they broke down.
Offset Printing Allows for Exact Replica of Photograph
The coin that we created was for the Louisville engineering department. After hearing the customer’s concept for the coin, we recommended going with an offset printed coin. The reason we did this was because the customer wanted an exact representation of their trucks. The actual photograph that they sent to us will appear on the coin just as you see it here in the blog.
A Powerful Message Says It All
Coins like this help promote safety initiatives like the one featured on the backside of the product that we created that reads, “don’t back up”. With its literal and applied meaning, this mantra is now part of everyday culture at this branch of CSX.
Custom challenge coins are great for branding purposes. They can literally put your business on the map by making it more visible. The next time you want to honor your employees for the type of commitment that they make each day, call us with your challenge coin design ideas. We’ll make sure to send you a free price quote and full color digital proof featuring the artwork that we create for you.
Visit http://www.challengecoinsplus.com/gallery.html to see examples in our Coin Gallery. You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free or email info@challengecoinsplus.com with any questions you might have. We can help reward your employees in a way that is personal and memorable.