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Challenge Coins

Crisis Negotiators Challenge Coin Given to the Worthy Men and Women of This Profession

November 10, 2011
Nov 10, 2011
2 minute read

Crisis negotiation is a technique that is used in law enforcement.  It helps to communicate with people who are threatening violence.  Barricaded subjects, hostage takers, stalkers, physical threats, workplace violence, and suicidal subjects all make use of crisis negotiators.

Modern hostage negotiation principles began in 1972. New York City Police Detective and psychologist Harvey Schlossberg recognized the need for trained personnel in the intervention of hostage situations.  That’s how crisis negotiation began.

In order to work in this field, you need many hours of training to hone your skills.  At these training seminars, sometimes attendees are handed out challenge coins similar to the one you see here.  These tokens of appreciation honor the efforts put forth by crisis negotiators.

The coin pictured here was presented to negotiators from South Carolina that had completed a certain amount of training.  It also can be used as a way to easily identify someone as a crisis negotiator.  With one quick flash of this coin, anyone securing a scene can easily see that the person holding this coin is there to begin their work.

Challenge coins are the perfect fit for identifying the group that one belongs to.  Adding other significant emblems to your coin goes a long way in customizing your challenge coin.  It also helps give it personal meaning and a higher perceived value.  Recipients will feel like they are important and valuable.

A great way to implement coins into your training program is to break your training into a couple different areas.  Once a person passes a certain area of focus, they are awarded a challenge coin.  By the time they have completed each of the different areas of focus, they will have a small set of coins that they can proudly display in there office.

Custom challenge coins are a great way to honor individuals.  If you work with crisis negotiators and want to give them a gift that will last a really long time, you should consider custom challenge coins.  Attractive, personal, and versatile, they are the perfect recognition gift.  Visit to see samples of the coins that we have created.  You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 to request a no obligation, free quote.