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Challenge Coins

Create Custom Challenge Coins for Your Columbia, South Carolina Event

December 9, 2014
Dec 9, 2014
2 minute read

Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, is a hub of activity.  Travelers flock to the city for business and pleasure.  Some travel solo while others bring their significant other and family with them on their journey.  A city filled with excitement, Columbia has something to offer everyone that visits it.

If you plan on attending a special event in upcoming weeks, prepare for the occasion early by reaching out to us with your custom challenge coin needs.  As a leading challenge coin company, we know what it takes to satisfy our customers.  We learn about your likes and preferences so we can make sure that you are taken care satisfactorily.

Here are some of the options available to you as a challenge coin customer:

  • Decorative Edges
  • 3D Emblems
  • Sequential Numbering
  • Cut Outs
  • Silkscreens
  • Dual Plating
  • Bottle Openers

As always, you dictate the size, shape, and style of your coins.  Let us know what your preferences are so we can create a winning design for you to take with you to your Columbia, South Carolina event.

Don’t forget presentation options.  Velvet bags and coin capsules are easy to pack.  So are the PVC envelopes that your coins come in.  Let us know which package is right for you.  We’ll add the cost per unit to the free price quote that we send.

Create custom challenge coins for your Columbia, South Carolina event.  Contact Challenge Coins Plus with your request for a no obligation, free price quote right away.  We’ll honor your inquiry by providing you with free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to a US address.

Get to know our company by speaking to one of our knowledgeable and skilled sales professionals.  It is our honor to work with exceptional people like you day in and day out.  Let us know what we can do to make the ordering process swift and easy for you.

Email your ideas to  Call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We take pride in creating exceptional custom challenge coin designs that everyone looks forward to sharing at the end of the day.