Custom challenge coins are among the most popular ways to reward employees for a job well done. We’re contacted by small and large businesses with their requests for a meaningful memento to give away during National Salesperson Day which takes place in December. We always suggest custom challenge coins because the items are weighty in nature, attractive in nature, and look and feel similar to medallions and currency which are two things with value.Custom coins can be created in a variety of sizes, shapes, and styles to fit the needs of your business. We can even incorporate your company logo and slogan on one side of the coin to make the award relevant. Custom challenge coins can feature a number of different add-ons. For example, we can take that same logo and make it 3D. We can also sequentially number the coins for a limited edition type of feel.Awards in the workplace have a positive effect on your employees. They will feel more compelled to give each task their all instead of rushing through them. They’ll be absent less, more productive, safer, and more likely to stay with you until retirement. Boosting the morale of your sales staff is easy. Offer a gift like a custom challenge coin every time you have a goal to meet or a new client account to land.We offer all types of presentation options as well to make the gift seem extra special. We offer velvet bags and boxes as well as plastic stands and coin capsules to meet your needs. These items make it very easy for the recipients of the coins to store and display their awards accordingly.Create custom challenge coins for National Salesperson Day. We can help you come up with a design that meets the needs of your company and provides an incentive for your employees to do their best on and off the job. Visit to request a free price quote. We’ll send it and a digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you via email. Approve your design, pay for your order in full, and we’ll have your custom challenge coins produced in no time.Email your design ideas, specifications, and questions to We also offer the option of you calling in to speak to a representative. The number to reach us at is 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’re here to assist you with your request by providing you with free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to your US address. Enhance the quality of your workplace today by honoring your salespeople.