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Challenge Coins

Challenge Coins with Removable Golf Ball Markers

August 22, 2013
Aug 22, 2013
2 minute read

Challenge coins with removable golf ball markers are making a real impression on golfers around the world.  That’s why we keep getting requests for coins like the one pictured here.  Not only do resort, golf courses, and country clubs want to give their members and visitors a unique gift, they also want to have an item that they can sell in their gift shops or at the different fundraising events that they host each year.

Custom challenge coins are attractive, meaningful, and memorable.  They’re the type of item that people take notice of.  Because they have a good amount of weight to them, people believe their value is high.  This perceived value makes custom challenge coins collectible.  You can come up with a new design each and every year.

Custom coins are unique because you decide how they’ll look.  You select, the size, shape, and details that make the coins stand out.  You can include a bottle opener mechanism or removable golf ball markers like the design featured in our blog today.  Whatever you envision, we can make happen with custom challenge coins.

Create custom challenge coins with removable golf ball markers today.  You’re unique gift will be a hit.  Visit to request a no obligation, free price quote and email file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.

Email your ideas to  You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’re here to assist you with your request by creating quality custom lapel pins that you can give away or sell to golfers at your resort or country club.