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Challenge Coins

Challenge Coins Plus Helps Design Family Reunion Coins

August 31, 2011
Aug 31, 2011
3 minute read

Families are every bit as unique as the custom challenge coins that we create for them. Some are small and subtle while others are large and energetic. Some are basic while others are extremely noticeable. It doesn’t matter what type of family you come from, we can help you design a custom challenge coin that is just right for your family reunion.

Information to Include on Your Family’s Unique Coin

When families gather to celebrate their lineage, custom coins are handed out to each family member in attendance. The coins can have a myriad of information on them including the following:

  • The family crest
  • The family name
  • The family tree
  • A map or flag from the country where the family originates from

Being able to take advantage of two sides of our coins gives family the freedom and flexibility to incorporate all the information that they want to.

Each Year Feature a New Design on Your Custom Challenge Coin

Instead of handing out a t-shirt at your next reunion, consider offering each family member a one-of-a kind family reunion coin. Each year, come up with a new design that is meaningful to the family. Honor a loved one who is no longer with you with a custom memorial coin. Celebrate milestone events by incorporating personal information into the challenge coin’s design.

Celebrate Milestone Events Like Birthdays and Anniversaries

Maybe it is the grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary, celebrate that on the coin. With so many options, you will undoubtedly have as much fun coming up with the design as you will have handing them out to your relatives. After a few years, your collection will contain coins that you can instantly look at and remember the family reunion and any other special events that took place that year.

Share Your Family’s Heritage with Custom Challenge Coins

You can see from the coin here that this family’s roots go back to Cuba but have stretched out to the U.S. The family’s crest and the words “La Familia Perez” helps add to the appeal of the custom challenge coins. The American flag intertwined with the Cuban flag conveys the family’s rich personal history. Details like these are what make custom challenge coins unforgettable.

Visit today to find out what we can do for you in terms of creating unique challenge coins for your next family reunion. You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 to request a free price quote and full color digital proof.