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Challenge Coins

Campaign Challenge Coins

March 26, 2012
Mar 26, 2012
2 minute read

Voting is one of the great privileges and rights we have as Americans. Earning the people’s vote is key to every candidate’s campaign, and they are always looking for a way to stand out and be recognized by the voters. In the past, candidates have used buttons to hand out to potential voters and members of their staff. Lately we have been seeing a trend of candidates using challenge coins as a great marketing tool during the campaign efforts.

Challenge coins have a high perceived value and when handed out by a candidate, the recipient has a greater chance of remembering were the beautiful challenge coin came from.  This is the perfect way to give candidates the exposure that they deserve which in return can lead to their political success.  A memorable slogan or logo can stick in people’s minds and remind them of the politician that they’ve chosen to support.

Dee Hobbs is running for the Williamson County Attorney position. His campaign staff contacted us to help design a challenge coin for his campaign. We were able to have is motto and call to action on the front of the coin and an image of the county building where he hopes to serve on the back. We also took the same challenge coin and created different color schemes to be used as thank you gifts for different levels of campaign contribution.

Custom challenge coins are great for this reason.  They are versatile and meaningful.  People know they are receiving a special gift when a candidate gives them a custom coin.  They also have an easy time supporting the politician because they know what issues he or she stands for by looking at the coin’s artwork.  Many candidates include this information on the back of a custom challenge coin because it helps them win votes.

If you’re a politician looking to make your mark, make Challenge Coins Plus your source for campaign coins.  Visit to see examples of all the different add-ons we offer.  You can email your requests to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll send you a full color proof via email and a price quote based on your specifications.