The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is a law enforcement agency in the state of California. It has patrol jurisdiction over California highways. It also acts as the state police. The CHP is the largest police agency in the United States. With over 11,000 employees (7,500 are sworn officers), you can see why the CHP uses custom challenge coins as a recognition tool for its officers and employees.
We are proud to have helped design a coin for one of it departments. The office of the Assistant Commissioner now has coins that the Assistant Commissioner uses to recognize members of it department that are both uniformed and non-uniformed. One side of the coins displays the logo of the California Highway Patrol and the other has the acronym and number of the areas served by the person receiving the coins.
Custom challenge coins serve as meaningful and memorable gifts. They are highly sought-after and become something that people enjoy collecting. In fact, recipients receive one coin and then strive to earn more throughout the years. They display these items in their home and offices because they want others to see their accomplishments.
At awards ceremonies and banquets, challenge coins are commonplace. Many groups, organizations, and departments elect to give them away and they often place them in a velvet bag, velvet box or acrylic coin capsule prior to the event. Presentation options make special events even more remarkable. These items also help protect coins by making them easier to store and enjoy throughout the years.
Order your custom challenge coins today. Visit to see examples of coins that we have created in the past. You can also email your inquiries to or call 1-800-252-0904 to request a no obligation, free price quote. Honor the members of your highway patrol with a unique and memorable gift. Custom challenge coins are just an email or phone call away!