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Challenge Coins

BBQ Pit Masters Challenge Coins

June 19, 2012
Jun 19, 2012
2 minute read

Summertime would not be complete without an afternoon cookout on the grill. So many people take grilling so seriously that it has evolved into actual competitions. What better way to commemorate your annual BBQ or grilling competition than with commemorative challenge coins?  The highly attractive mementos are memorable and symbolic.  People are sentimental about challenge coins.

The front of the challenge coin shows an image of a grill with the words 2012 Pit Master Championship.  The back of the coin shows a variety of deliciously grilled meats.  This challenge coin is simple in design but it is effective in meaning.

If you’re looking for additional ways to make your BBQ challenge coins stand out, here are a few things to consider:

  • Choose an unusual size or shape.
  • Add a bottle opener mechanism to your design.
  • Create medallions out of your BBQ coins.
  • Add a decorative edge to your artwork.
  • Try a bold 3D image in the center of your coins.
  • Have your custom challenge coins sequentially numbered.
  • Cut out areas of your challenge coin design.

Also pay special attention to the images and text that you include on your custom BBQ challenge coins.  This is what draws people to the coins and makes them interested in the event that you’re sponsoring.

Reward BBQ contest participants with custom challenge coins.  Visit to request a free price quote and full color digital proof.  Submit your design ideas to us right away and we’ll get started on custom artwork for your event.  As always, we offer free design services to all of our customers.  Email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.