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Challenge Coins

American Legion Challenge Coins Honor Supporters

November 21, 2011
Nov 21, 2011
2 minute read

The American Legion of Florida had Challenge Coins Plus create the coin they commissioned for their director.  He uses the coins to recognize supporters of the organization and wanted to use them at the national gathering of American Legion leaders happening this week.  The coin that we created was rich in style and personal information.  This allowed the recipients of the award to remember where it came from. Custom Coins Are Personal, Meaningful, and Attractive

As you can see from the picture, the challenge coin we created has images on both the front and back sides.  The front side has the name of the director, Larry D. Sheets, on it.  It also has his title of National Vice Commander on it.  The image in the middle of the coin is the state of Florida which represents where he comes from and serves.  The words, “Serving With Pride Every Day” shows his commitment to the area and members of the American Legion.

Extending Your Message on the Back Side of Your Coin

The back side of the custom coin features the American Legion emblem along with the letters “US”.  This helps Mr. Sheets identify himself wherever he goes.  It also helps build the reputation of the organization in the state of Florida and elsewhere because people associate the logo with the American Legion.

Presentation Options Bring Your Ceremony or Banquet to a New Level

Presentation options exist that help bring organizations to a whole new level in the public’s eyes.  Choose the option that best fits your needs.  Here is a sampling of what we offer our customers for award ceremonies and banquets:

  • PVC Coins Envelopes (Free with Every Order)
  • Coin Capsules
  • Velvet Bags
  • Acrylic Coin Cases
  • Velvet Coin Cases
  • Plastic Stands

Visit us on the web at  You can also email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We can help you come up with a design that impresses everyone your custom challenge coins are given to.  This allows you to extend your message to people who may or may have not heard of you and your organization before.