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Challenge Coins

Creating Religious Challenge Coins That Make a Difference in Your Community

July 16, 2020
Jul 16, 2020
4 minute read

Veterans Day at Holy Cross Catholic Church

Challenge coins might have started in the military, but these days, you can find them just about everywhere.

Big businesses design custom coins for their teams, charities use special commemorative coins for rallies and fundraisers, and religious challenge coins have been growing in popularity as well.

One of our favorite examples of a religious challenge coin is this design crafted for Holy Cross Catholic Church in Atlanta, Georgia. The team working at the church was looking for a special way to honor the veterans in their congregations for Veterans Day 2019. As such a popular military tradition, challenge coins seemed like an excellent idea, and when they reached out to us, we were more than happy to help.

Today, we want to look at the process of designing religious challenge coins and discuss the positive effect they can have on a spiritual community by examining Holy Cross Catholic Church’s custom Veterans Day coins.

Creating a Unique Religious Challenge Coin Design for the Congregation

We were contacted by a member of the church named Eleanor Camarata to create these Veterans Day challenge coins. After everything was said and done, she sent us an image of one of the coins in a special display in the church and explained how well the coins were received.

Camarata said, “The coins were a huge success with the Holy Cross veterans. One of our ministry members put this together, and it is now on permanent display in the gathering area of the church in a large display with other special items that have been sent to our ministry by deployed troops.”

The coins did so well that Camarata and other members of the church are discussing what they should design for the Veterans Day 2020, whether it be another coin or perhaps something else like a custom lapel pin.

However, before delving more into the effect that the coins have had on the community, let’s take a closer look at the design process.

Creating a unique challenge coin design is quick and easy when you choose Challenge Coins Plus. All we need are a few ideas to get started. In Camarata’s case, she had a detailed outline of exactly what she was looking for.

Including a collection of military seals is a popular option for several different types of military challenge coins, but there is always room to add your own custom flair to the artwork. The waving American flag on the front of the coin adds a nice touch to the design.

The end result is a beautiful religious challenge coin design created to honor the service of veterans and show gratitude for their sacrifices. Our Challenge Coins Plus team offers free artwork services and unlimited revisions because we want to give our customers every opportunity that they need to craft the perfect design.

For Camarata and Holy Cross Catholic Church, the team had a detailed outline of what they were looking for, but if you need help coming up with a unique religious challenge coin design of your own, our team of professional artists is more than happy to help.

Building a Faith Community With Religious Challenge Coins

When we followed up with Camarata, asking about how the coins were received, she explained how excited members of the church were about the coins and said that there were even people from outside of the parish asking to buy the coins.

Challenge coins are designed to show honor and gratitude to the important people in our lives. The artwork and design of each coin tells a story and is a means of sharing your team’s message with the world. When it comes to religious challenge coins, whether they’re designed for an event like Veterans Day or for any other program or holiday, remember to think of ways to tell a story.

It won’t be long before they coins help your message spread, building a stronger faith community by sharing your story with the world.