Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October. It was founded to increase awareness of the disease and raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign offers information, resources, and support to those affected by breast cancer. As well as providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection.
There is an estimated 230,480 new cases of breast cancer in American women this year alone. That’s why it’s critical to have events that educate the public during the month of October. Women are more conscious about their own health because of the Public Service Announcements, health screenings, informative workshops, and charitable fundraisers being held during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
An Iconic Symbol is Easy for Everyone to Recognize
Breast cancer awareness coins almost always include the iconic pink ribbon. One look at this globally recognizable symbol and one automatically knows the meaning. Custom challenge coins are great for promoting the month for many different reasons. As a fundraising tool, they raise money to benefit research programs that are trying to put an end to this disease. Breast cancer coins can also be handed out to donors that give large amounts of time or money as a way to say “thank you”.
Walks and Runs Help Raise Funds for Research As Well As Survivors
Common events likes 3K walks and runs also use challenge coins to hand out to participants. These coins are kept forever by the recipients to remind them of that event. Adding pink glitter to your coin will help your breast cancer coin standout from the crowd. We can even cutout the center part of the ribbon to really capture the effect.
With the entire month of October being dedicated to the awareness of breast cancer, you still have time to receive your coins for this year’s events that you will be holding. Visit, email or call 1-800-252-0904 to request a free price quote. Once we’ve heard your ideas or concept, we’ll have our art department start working on a full color digital proof right away.