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A Brief History of American Sign Language Explained by Lapel Pins Plus

January 5, 2015
Jan 5, 2015
3 minute read

American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most widely used language in the United States.  It follows English and Spanish and a form of it has been in existence for over 200 years.  ASL combines hand signs, gestures, and facial expressions to create words and sentences.  There are as many as 500,000 individuals that know and use American Sign Language on a regular basis.

American Sign Language Origins

ASL originated in the early 19th century in the American School for the Deaf (ASD) in Hartford, Connecticut.  Since then, it is used throughout the United States and English-speaking parts of Canada as well as West Africa and parts of Southeast Asia.  Children and adults use sign language.  Infants without hearing impairments are often taught ASL before they learn how to speak so that they can communicate with parents and caregivers.

Where to Learn American Sign Language

There are many places to learn American Sign Language.  A person can sign up for a class at school or one offered by the community.  They can buy books, DVDs, and flashcards that explain fingerspelling and signing.  Some people use online video channels and mobile applications to learn American Sign Language.

Amazing Facts About Sign Language

Here are some things you may or may have not known about sign language:

  • Grammar and syntax is unique to every version of sign language.
  • People acquire sign language the same way that they do other spoken languages.
  • One sign can have several meanings just like one spoken word can have several meanings.
  • American Sign Language is considered a foreign language.
  • There are about 6,000 different types of sign language.

The American Manual Alphabet consists of 26 signs that can be used to spell out words from the English language.  Fingerspelling refers to the act of using these signs.  Hearing people can use the American Manual Alphabet to communicate with the deaf without knowing any other American Sign Language sign.

ASL Clubs and Organizations

Many ASL clubs and organizations exist throughout the world creating a solid connection between the hearing and the hearing impaired.  Custom lapel pins created in the shape of a sign allows these groups to communicate an idea or message to people without speech.  The attractive pieces of jewelry announce that a person knows American Sign Language and is willing to communicate with others using signs.

To order your own ASL lapel pins and merchandise, contact Lapel Pins Plus through the free price quote form on our website, by emailing, or by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  Hearing from you is our pleasure!

We offer a range of free services to meet your needs.  Let us know how you plan to use our products and the number of lapel pins required to complete your order.  We’ll take care of the rest of the details for you.