On behalf of Lapel Pins Plus, we would like to take a moment to thank the men and women of our armed forces for their service. Without the service of our troops, we wouldn’t experience many of the freedoms we enjoy today. Past and present military members are to be thanked and commended this Veterans Day.
As a leading lapel pin company, we have worked closely with members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines to create custom gifts that capture the spirit of what it means to be a member of the US military. Being able to custom create products rich with symbolism has been an honor and one that we are very appreciative of. That’s why we felt compelled to share our message of gratitude this day.
To the fine men and women that have served or currently serve our country, we are grateful. It has been a pleasure getting to know you throughout the years and being a part of your ceremonies, balls, and fundraisers. We can only hope to work with you more in the future.
Thank you, veterans! We know the sacrifice you made to defend our great country. We want to acknowledge your service and honor your character. It is men and women like you that make us proud to be Americans.
As always, you can reach us through the online submission form located on our website. By emailing your questions and ideas to info@lapelpinsplus.com. Or, calling and speaking to one of our helpful sales representatives at 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We are here to assist you in the quickest yet most thorough way possible as efficiency and customer satisfaction are always our main priorities.