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Five Ways to Use Custom Trading Pins at Your Sporting Events

November 17, 2014
Nov 17, 2014
2 minute read

Trading pins and sporting events go hand in hand.  Before placing an order for the custom mementos, ask how you can get more bang for your buck.  How many uses can you find for a single order of custom trading pins?

Five ways to use custom trading pins at your sporting events include:

  1. As a way to demonstrate team spirit.
  2. For fundraising purposes.
  3. To promote sponsors.
  4. To instill a sense of pride in athletes.
  5. To break the ice and trade with other teams throughout the season.

Custom trading pins are unique to each team.  It doesn’t matter if the sport is school or community sponsored.  We create pins that reflect your team.  Through your selection of colors, words, and imagery, we create one-of-a-kind mementos for students, staff, alumni, and other members of your community.

We offer spinners (a spinning piece is attached to a stationary base), sliders (a sliding piece is attached to a stationary base), danglers (a dangling piece is attached to a stationary base), blinkies (one or more blinking lights are included in the design), and bobble heads (a spring loaded head attached to a stationary base).  We can further customize your design with silkscreens, glitter, and even cut outs.

We simplified the ordering process to save you time.  Submit your request to us today by requesting a no obligation, free price quote.  You can fill out the submission form located on our website.  You can email  Or, if you’d prefer, you can call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.

Our sales team is skilled and professional.  They answer your questions and put your concerns at ease.  If you need help walking through the ordering process, please let us know.  It’s as easy as requesting a price quote, approving the artwork that we create for you, paying for your order, and placing your order.  We provide free design services to make it as convenient as possible for you.

Ask about our free shipping option on US orders.  We’re here to make things as easy as possible for you. Let us know what you have in mind for an idea or concept.  Then call or email us.  We want to hear from you!