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Promote Your Moving Company with Custom Lapel Pins

May 2, 2014
May 2, 2014
2 minute read

May is National Moving Month.  If you are the owner or manager of a moving company, you’ll want a way to make your business stand out.  Might we suggest custom lapel pins?  The small but effective items make the perfect promotional tools.

Custom pins can be used to advertise your company throughout the community.  Order enough pins to give them away to customers and other businesses in your city.  This is a great way to get the word out about the services that you provide.  Custom lapel pins stand out in a crowd and get people talking.

Here are some ways to make your custom pins even more attractive:

  • Add glitter.
  • Add simulated gemstones.
  • Add a cut out.
  • Add silkscreens.
  • Add your website URL or phone number to the front or back of the pins.
  • Add your logo and slogan.
  • Have the pins cut-to-shape to resemble the object or photo featured on the custom lapel pins.

Create custom lapel pins to use as promotional tools for your moving company.  We can help you select the size, shape, style, and colors of pins that best meet your needs.  Contact us now with your request for a no obligation, free price quote and digital file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.

Email your ideas to  If you’d rather speak to us directly, you can do so by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’re here to assist you with your request and will go the extra mile to make sure that you’re satisfied with your order.  That’s why we make revisions part of the design process.

We offer free artwork and design services as well as free shipping to a US address.  Contact us now to get the design process started.  We want to help you create a unique and memorable promotional tool for your business.