Good deeds cause a ripple effect to take place. One person becomes inspired by an act of kindness and feels inclined to do something random and anonymous for another person in need. The recipient of that act of kindness goes out of their way to do something kind for another person and so on and so forth.
Random acts of kindness have started worldwide movements with one of the most popular being Suspended Coffees. When a person walks into a coffee shop to purchase their daily cup of joe, they purchase an additional cup to give to a random person. The coffee shop employees choose who gets that complimentary cup of coffee.
You can use custom lapel pins to create change in your community and the world at large. The message that you relay to the public can be simple. Your pins can read “Smile” or “Give” and still be effective. It’s all in how you present the pins and who you give the pins too.
People want to help. They want to make a difference in the lives of others. These are the people that you want to reach out to. These are the people you want to design custom lapel pins for.
Create custom lapel pins to inspire good deeds. Be the change that Gandhi spoke about. It takes one person to create a spark. Ignite the flames of change with your thoughtful message today. Action evokes change.
Email your request to us today at While you’re visiting our website, take a look at our online gallery for inspiration. You’ll see pins in every size, shape, style, and colors imaginable. Let our designs inspire your own.
Call us with your questions and ideas. The number to reach us at is 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’re here to assist you and even have a team of talented artists available to handle your request. These extremely creative individuals want your pins to shine. That’s why they work with you to make sure that your design is perfect.