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Employee Safety Awards for Your Workplace

June 21, 2013
Jun 21, 2013
2 minute read

Employee safety awards commend a job well done.  They give employees the recognition that they deserve to continue doing excellent work for you as an employer.  If your workplace has celebrated a recent achievement in the area of safety, now is as good of time as any to recognize your workers.  We can help you come up with a gift that is attractive, meaningful, and memorable.

Using your design ideas, we create custom pins in your choice of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors.  This allows you complete freedom over the design process.  You can make your pins classic or elaborate depending on your needs and preferences.  You can add something exciting like glitter or simulated gemstones to the design.  If you’d rather, you can make your pins danglers.  That way when a new accomplishment is achieved, you can add charms to the pins.

Reward your employees for maintaining a safe work environment.  Create a custom lapel pin to hand out to your workers today.  Visit to request a free price quote.  We’ll send it and an email file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.  This allows you to see what your pins will look like at the time of manufacturing.

Email your ideas to  You can also direct your questions to a Lapel Pins Plus by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’re here to assist you with your request by offering you the best customer service that we can provide.  In addition to free artwork and design services, we also offer free shipping to your US address.