Private school lapel pins are becoming more and more popular. Typically smaller enrollments vs. traditional
public schools, these schools offer learning along with many other benefits. Sometimes these private schools are faith based, sometimes they are focused on a particular aspect of education, and sometimes
they cater toward a certain type of student.
Whatever type of private school you may attend or work, there is great chance that lapel pins are on your campus. With so many uses for private school pins, it is no wonder you see them all over. They are great for letting everyone know that you are a parent or volunteer on campus that day.
Kids like to receive pins for different awards. They also help with adding to school pride when worn on field trips or sporting events. Booster club lapel pins are the perfect item to sell to bring in the highest profit margin.
Consider issuing private school custom pins at registration or the first day of school. This way everyone has one. Contact us with your request right away. Visit for more information and to see the different styles of custom lapel pins that we have to offer.
Email your ideas to You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your request by creating quality custom lapel pins for your private school. Submit your ideas to us today.