International Business Image Improvement Month takes place in May each year. The annual initiative was created to introduce the idea of improvement to small and large businesses around the world. Companies from all over the globe take part in the month long celebration in a number of different ways. One of the most popular ways to acknowledge International Business Image Improvement Month is through the creation and distribution of custom lapel pins.
Taking the place of business cards, custom pins are a way to directly communicate to the customer. Attractive, unique, and meaningful, pins serve a purpose. Because they can be worn, the perceived value of the memento is undoubtedly higher than other promotional items. Men and women alike enjoy wearing the pins. In fact, it isn’t unusual to see them on lapels, lanyards, and hats being worn around the city.
Custom lapel pins can be worn by employees as a way to promote your business, improve skills, and strengthen the bonds of friendship around the workplace. Pins can also be handed out to customers and vendors as a way of thanking them and valuing them. Custom lapel pins are truly a gift for all ages.
Improve your business image in a personal way. Make custom lapel pins part of your sales and marketing program and watch how customers react to your efforts. Visit You’ll find information about the different styles of pins we offer as well as pricing and presentation options.
Email your ideas to us at We’ll pass them onto our talented team of designers who will custom make artwork for your order based on your specifications. If you have questions and want to speak to a representative directly, you can call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We will handle your call with professionalism and provide you with expert advice concerning your International Business Image Improvement Month lapel pin order.