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Hotel Lapel Pins Serve Many Useful Purposes

April 23, 2013
Apr 23, 2013
2 minute read

Hotel pins have picked back up in popularity.We think it is because businesses like hotels are always looking to differentiate themselves from their competitors. By adding a lapel pin program to the hotel, they are showing prospective customers that they are stepping their game up.

Hotels use pins in lots of different ways. They use them to hand out to VIP guests. If an important guest is coming to stay at the hotel, they might find a new, shiny custom lapel pin on their pillow once they get settled in. This is a classy touch that has tons of meaning and thought behind it but is very easy to provide for your customer.

Staff members and front office execs love to wear the pins as well. We can help you design a program that recognizes the years of service each employee has reached. Also, if there are certain programs that each employee needs to complete for ongoing training, we can help design a pin program for that as well.

Hotel pins look nice on all uniforms and help them to stand out among normal hotel attire.  You can even have magnetic backs put on the pins to keep them from poking holes in clothing.  Just let us know that you’re interested in this option when you contact us for a free price quote.

The use of lapel pins in hotels in almost endless. Contact us today for a free price quote.  You can request one through our website located at, by emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your request by creating quality, custom pins that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.