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Challenge Coins

Destination Imagination (DI) Lapel Pins are Full of Hidden Meaning and Always Pack a Punch

April 17, 2013
Apr 17, 2013
2 minute read

It’s that time of year again.  The end of the school year is in sight so that means Destination Imagination, DI, is about to get started.  Teams from all over the country have been contacting us to create this year’s pins.

DI is a competition for school age kids that give teams the opportunity to solve open-ended Challenges and present their solutions at tournaments.  In addition to learning life skills like time management, conflict resolution, and collaboration, DI participants engage in a lot of fun.  Teams get together before going to the finals and create pins that they will ultimately trade away for other teams’ pins.

DI pins are almost always large in size, around 2” or so.  They have lots of loud and crazy colors, are themed, and have images and text that have secret meaning to the team that designs it.  Maybe the phrase is an inside joke that has become a memorable part of their study time routines.

Consider adding glitter to your pin to catch other DIer’s attention.  You want your pin to scream “Here I am, come and get me” so that you will get your pick of pins at the DI Global Finals.

Destination Imagination pins are sometimes put together to form a set.  A set can be two, 3, 4 or more pins that when combined all together, form a set.  This is a new craze among the DI world.

Don’t forget to add the tournament location and date on your pins so you can remember the experiences you had there.  Abbreviations are popular on DI pins.  You’ll see them on a number of the designs that we do for Destination Imagination.

Contact us today to get the design process started.  We’re available to receive your request via our website, email address or toll-free phone number.  Reach out to us by visiting, emailing or calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We can’t wait to get started on a free price quote and the custom artwork we create for you.