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Community College Lapel Pins Made By Student Groups

April 19, 2013
Apr 19, 2013
2 minute read

Community colleges are great places to go to after high school graduation.  The academic institutes make it easy for students to stay close to family members and friends, get their first two years of academics accomplished, and make new friends.

Smaller classes give larger campuses a personal feel.  Student groups allow like-minded students to form lasting friendships and bonds.  It’s these small groups that are contacting us to create their community college pins.

Small schools within the colleges like the school of nursing or school or architecture also like designing pins.  The pins help members feel like they belong which is one of the biggest benefits of creating custom lapel pins for your educational institution.

Most community college pins also incorporate the school name or seal if possible.  This is a great way to make the pins personal and memorable.  A student can wear their pin with pride and tell others what they think of the education and experiences they’re getting at the community college that they attend.

Meet with your small group now to discuss an idea you may have for pins.  Then, contact one of our experienced representatives to get the process going.  We will do all of the work, all you have to do is keep an eye on your email inbox.

Create custom lapel pins for your community college today.  We can help you determine what size, shape, style, and colors best meet your needs.  Email your ideas to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  You can take a look at the different pins we’ve created in the past by visiting and taking a look at the gallery we have on our site.