Have you been at a Little League tournament and a certain trading pin is receiving all of the buzz? Sometimes it seems that every person you talk to asks you “have you seen the so and so pin”. This summer, your pin can be the one receiving all of the praise and attention.
Here are a few tricks to help you with this endeavor:
- The first is size. No matter how great your pins are, they need to be a big enough size to catch ones attention.
- The second is design. A great design is critical.
- The third way is with add-ons. We offer add-ons such as glitter paint, spinners and blinking lights to help take your pin to the next level.
- Glitter paint adds the shimmer that literally catches your eye in the sunlight.
- Spinners are parts of the pins that actually spin in a circle. Sliders travel left to right or up and down along a fixed line on your pin.
- Blinking lights or “blinkies” flash a bright red light which is a great way to get noticed.
- Danglers are great because they allow for more customization and they are very reasonably priced.
- Gemstones are also a great and effective way to liven your pin up.
- We have many more tricks of the trade that we can share with you with just a quick call to one of our experienced sales representatives.
Contact us today to find out more details about all of the different options that will help take your pin to the most sought after pin at your next tournament. Visit https://lapelpinsplus.com/ to request a free price quote. Email your request to info@lapelpinsplus.com. You can also call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. We can’t wait to get started on your trading pins with add-ons today.