Millions of Americans will visit a healing or treatment center this year. These centers focus on healing and repairing the mind, body, and soul. When a person is well enough to leave the treatment center, they often times are given tokens to help remember what they have learned.
Lapel pins are great mementos that will stay with you for a lifetime. Because the design portion of the project can be completely up to you, these pins can speak directly to patients who receive the pins. Simple life lessons learned can be illustrated or written in words on a pin. This creates a memorable impression on the people the pins are given to.
If a person is struggling with an addiction, having a pin attached to a shirt or jacket all the time will help that person to make better decisions once they leave the healing center. Other great uses for pins at these treatment facilities would be for the outstanding patient of the month/year, meeting certain personal goals, or even for the staff to show off their pride.
Give a gift that is heartfelt and useful all at the same time. Give a custom pin to a patient in need. We offer our support throughout the design and ordering processes. Visit to see the different styles of pins you can order for your healing center or treatment facility. Email your request to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free. Speak to a representative and request your free price quote. We’ll send it and a digital file containing the artwork that we created for you to your email.
Look over the design, approve and pay for it, and we do the rest. We complete your order by sending it to the production department for manufacturing, and later shipping it to your choice of address. If you reside in the US, we pay the cost of shipping. If that isn’t a reason to order pins today, we don’t know what is!