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Challenge Coins

Promotional Campaigns Can Benefit From the Strategic Use of Custom Lapel Pins

January 22, 2013
Jan 22, 2013
2 minute read

Have you ever been in a checkout line and noticed the cashier wearing a lapel pin that says “Ask me about your 10% discount” or something to this effect?  Or maybe, you have been ordering a meal at a restaurant and the server had a custom pin on their uniform that said “free dessert”?  These examples demonstrate how using lapel pins to announce your company promotion can effectively accomplish higher sales goals.

Lapel pins act as mini billboards for your company.  Having your employees wear the custom promotional pins, your customers will immediately see and learn of any current deals that will save them money.  This builds loyal customers which is what most businesses crave these days.

We can help you design your next promotional pin.  Just describe what your sale is about and we will do the rest.  We will even show you a free digital sample of what your pins will look like.  If your budget allows for a little bit extra, we recommend adding a blinking light to your pin to really get your customers’ eyes to focus on the pin.  Small details like these make a statement which can really help your business.

Contact us today for a free price quote.  Visit to inquire about our services today.  Email your request to or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll help you come up with a design that is rich in detail as well as character.  If you want an accurate representation of your business, let us know.  We take your ideas and turn them into attractive, meaningful custom lapel pins fit for advertising your latest sales and promotion.  Don’t wait any longer to contact us.  Call or email today to get the design process started.