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New Year’s Resolution Lapel Pins Help Keep Goals at the Forefront of the Mind

January 8, 2013
Jan 8, 2013
2 minute read

With the New Year there are new beginnings.  What better time than now to make some resolutions for yourself?  Setting goals is proven way to help those achieve goals.  People that don’t set goals are less likely to succeed.

Lapel pins are visual reminders of resolutions that the wearer takes with them every day.  If losing weight is the goal, having a lapel pin on your collar will help you make wise decisions regarding meals and snacks.   If exercising is the plan, having a symbol of a bar bell will remind you of how important it is to go to the gym.

Businesses can help clients reach their goals by handing out lapel pins complete with resolutions on them.  For example, gyms can give pins to their members as a way of encouraging them to make the most out of the equipment and classes being offered to them with their membership.

Pins are also great to pass out to club members that share the same resolution.  This helps foster a sense of pride and community in each individual resolving to live a better life in 2013.  Pins can feature an image or photograph of your choice along with the message or phrase you’re trying to communicate.

Contact us today to see how we can help you keep your 2013 resolutions.  Visit to request a free price quote and an email file containing the custom artwork that we created for you.  Email us at  You can also share your ideas with a Lapel Pins Plus representative by calling 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We can’t wait to work with you to meet your resolution pin needs.