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Challenge Coins

K9 Unit Lapel Pins Show a Sincere Pride and Respect for These Work Dogs

January 18, 2013
Jan 18, 2013
2 minute read

K9 units are a growing sector of the police force.  Dogs and handlers spend hundreds if not thousands of hours working together to become a team.  These highly intelligent dogs are trained to smell out all kinds of contraband along with other useful duties.

Police dogs are some of the smartest most loyal animals there is.  Police officers are having lapel pins made to show that they are on the K9 task force.  K9 pins usually show the dog in action or in a regal pose.  The unit name, state and city are also typically included on these pins.  K9 pins are worn on the officers uniform or on their work hat.

Police dog pins can even be in the shape of a paw print.  If you want to step up the design of your pin to the next level, allow us to present you with a 3D molded lapel pin.  We can actually take a photograph that you send in of the dog and turn it into a 3 dimensional work of art.

If handing these out to a graduation class, consider sequential numbering on the pins.  Also, we can place each pin in an acrylic presentation case that will make for a nice touch to graduation.  Cases give recipients of the pins a place to store and display the mementos when they’re not being worn.

Order your K9 Unit lapel pins today.  Visit  You can email or call 1-800-252-0904 toll-free.  We’ll be more than happy to assist you by providing you with free artwork and design services.  We’ll send an email to you that includes your price quote and digital file of the artwork that we created for you.  This allows you to see what your pins will look like at the time of manufacturing.